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How do I build a Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR)?

How do I build a Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR)?

A MBBR requires little maintenance and is simple to construct yourself with the help of this information sheet.

Auteur: Elise/dinsdag 2 juni 2020/Categories: Nieuws, Publicaties, Brochure, Waterkwaliteit

PCS Ornamental Plant Research has developed a manual to build your own Moving Bed Bioreactor. With this filter, nitrates are converted into nitrogen gas by biological denitrification. In this manual, all necessary components and the different steps to be taken to build your own small-scale MBBR are clearly described.



What is a MBBR?

A Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (or MBBR for short) removes nitrogen from water by converting nitrate into nitrogen gas by means of biological processes. A MBBR consists of a tank filled with water, in which plastic carriers are located that are set in motion (Photo 1Photo 1). The irregular and large specific surface area of the carriers forms an ideal habitat for various micro-organisms (Photo 2Photo 2). On these carriers grows active sludge (biofilm) and this carries out the denitrification. A MBBR requires little maintenance and is simple to construct yourself with the help of this information sheet.


Download here the information sheet: How do I build a MBBR


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